Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Cruelty Free iPhone Guide!

Hey La-la boobalahs! (I'll give a specific shout-out on this blog to anyone who can tell me what that's from!)

I just found, seriously, one of the most fun things I think I've ever seen in the way of iPhone applications!

PETA has joined up with Hot Frog Creative (here's their link - they rock too! http://www.hotfrogcreative.com/) and developed the "Be Nice To Bunnies" ("BNB") iPhone application. It's $1.99 at the iTunes applications store, and the application can be found here: http://iphoneapplicationlist.com/2009/06/29/be-nice-to-bunnies/#more-7240

So let's say you're at a store, and you have no idea if a particular brand is CF or not. Bingo - right there on your phone, you can log onto your BNB app and find out before you buy it. No more trying to figure it out on your own, no more wondering if a well-meaning salesperson gave you the wrong information (or was simply trying to get you to buy). Let your fingers do the walking, and it's all right there in the palm of your hand. You can search by company (want to know if Maybelline tests?) or by product (or do you want to know exactly which toothpaste brands are okay to buy?). The app itself has cool little features like its own little iPhone buttons within the application - even a "Favs" button where you can save your favorite CF products for easy access when you shop.

And a little thing that I love? When you go into the actual application, the header of the main screen above all the search functions is the famous quote from Mahatma Ghandi - "You can judge a nation by how it treats its animals."

If you have an iPhone and love it as much as I do, you should absolutely get this application!

Bunny snuggles for everyone!


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